
12 Best Native Plants in Montana

People interested in planting in Montana won’t only make their yards look good. They’ll also nourish local animals and the environment. Choosing the correct species to plant, and dealing with garden pests can be tough, so we’ll recommend the hardiest…


12 Best Perennials to Grow in Your Montana Garden

Source:Pixabay Growing beautiful flowers that bloom yearly involves seed selection, soil prepping, planting, watering, weeding, and fertilization. It can be heart-wrenching to do this tedious work only for the plant to die after the first bloom. Thus, perennial plants are…


6 Best Garden Centers in Kalispell

Being a successful gardener in Kalispell, Montana, boils down to getting cold-hardy and drought-resistant plants. To get such plants, you need trustworthy plant suppliers with a reputation for quality. Here, we’ve handpicked six of the best garden centers that can…